Two siberian Husky Love to Each other

2 years ago

The Husky is an even-tempered dog, friendly as can be. They’re known to make awful guard dogs due to their outgoing nature, and few have ever met a stranger they didn’t like. Most are not overly hyperactive, having a very mellow and kind personality. They’re even quite cuddly with their humans, a pack-mentality driving them to stick close to their family.

Due to their intelligence, Huskies can get rambunctious if not given an outlet for their energy. Be careful, they can get destructive if bored! This can manifest in the form of a disappearing act. Huskies are escape artists and will find ways to burrow out of their confinement if not properly exercised. They’re proficient diggers and will quickly escape, so make sure they stay active with you!

Huskies are pack dogs, so there are some ground rules to training them. The main one is that you must establish yourself as the alpha dog early. They need to remember while they’ve been adopted into a family that you’re still the boss! A steady, patient training is going to be necessary to bring them into line and starting this young will be important. They respond to a variety of different training styles, but consistency and firmness are key. Whether merely training to commands or using a crate, they’ll listen if you stick with it. It’s recommended to work with at least 15 minutes of obedience training per day when they’re puppies so that your rules stick.

Because of their stubborn nature, it remains important to stick to all the rules that you lay down for your furry friend. Huskies, like other sharp-as-a-tack breeds, tend to have selective hearing and will treat rules as flexible if not strictly adhered to. Your companion will be loyal, obedient, and happy as long as you hang on tight and stick to your rules. Lay them down, teach them with patience, and remember to be consistent! Do this and you’ll have a happy pupper that will listen to direction.

Single people with active lifestyles and couples with kids old enough to keep up with a large dog are going to love the Husky! These are dogs bred for hard work and focus, so having people to play with and train with are going to make them quite happy. Huskies also enjoy wide-open spaces, so a backyard or rural homestead are highly recommended.

Their thick fur is specifically for cooler environments, so working them too hard in the heat will make for a frustrated pup! Huskies were bred to work in the Arctic temperatures, and are genetically predisposed to enjoy the cold. Be sure to keep their living spaces cooler and more comfortable, perhaps even providing a gel-cooled dog bed for them to rest on. Keep in mind that these puppers are howlers, with a wail that can be heard for miles away! Remember that not every dog can be an apartment-dweller, and the Husky might not be right if that’s where you lay your head.

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