READ THE DESCRIPTION: Jazz Jennings and Female Genital Mutilation Statutes #FreeJazz #JusticeforJazz

3 years ago

UPDATE: FGMA was struck down in November 2018. I am looking for information now about how this legally affects people who broke this law in particular when it was still in force. As noted in the video, it appears to have been and continue to be valid state law in Florida. There does not appear to be a state law in New York, where the initial surgery was performed, prohibiting FGM. However, FGM was definitely federally illegal when it was performed. And they had both the criminal intent and the criminal action (at the time) to break laws like this: I would argue they are still guilty of breaking those laws. And they've still broken many other laws. Any input is welcome.

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Definition of mutilate
transitive verb

1: to cut up or _alter radically+ so as to make imperfect
the child mutilated the book with his scissors
a painting mutilated by vandals
2: to cut off or _permanently destroy_ a limb or essential part of : CRIPPLE
His arm was mutilated in the accident.

Federal and state (Florida) law prohibit any and all female genital cutting for non-medical reasons when Jazz Jennings' external genitalia were removed. This presents a problem for TLC and the Jennings: it is illegal to do this to a minor female. So, is Jazz a female? It has also come to my attention since filming this that Florida law explicitly applies the protection of the law to both males and females equally. The United States Constitution (14th amendment) also guarantees equal protection for all persons, though sadly, it does not explicitly protect sex - one of the reasons we're in this nightmare with Jazz. This entire show is racketeering and sex trafficking and what was done to Jazz Jennings is child genital mutilation.

Article I, sec. 2 of the Florida Constitution, which I really think might be useful in arguing that the statute must be applied to male genital mutilation as well....

" SECTION 2. Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property. No person shall be deprived of any right because of race, religion, national origin, or physical disability."

Florida 794.08 Female genital mutilation.—
(1) As used in this section, the term “female genital mutilation” means the circumcising, excising, or infibulating, in whole or in part, the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoris of a female person.
(2) A person who knowingly commits, or attempts to commit, female genital mutilation upon a female person younger than 18 years of age commits a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

18 U.S. Code § 116 - Female genital mutilation
U.S. Code
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(a)Except as provided in subsection (b), whoever, in any circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly—
(1)performs, attempts to perform, or conspires to perform female genital mutilation on another person who has not attained the age of 18 years;
(2)being the parent, guardian, or caretaker of a person who has not attained the age of 18 years facilitates or consents to the female genital mutilation of such person; or
(3)transports a person who has not attained the age of 18 years for the purpose of the performance of female genital mutilation on such person,
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

Confirmation from ABC News that Jazz's initial vaginoplasty happened June of 2018. He was born October 6, 2000. It was done in June because he was going to college and they wanted to make sure it got done before he went to college so he'd be all set to have college relationships in college. It's been bait the entire time and I demand to know Harvard's actual participation in this.

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