Merry Christmas from Berray Mountain

2 years ago

Winter has come to Montana. The heights of Berray Mountain are a snowy wonderland. The Anything Outdoors with Steve team went out, looking for some fun in the snow, and found for a short while, the joy that comes from playing like children, free from care, frolicking uninhibited for a time by the burdensome worries of grownups.

Christmas time is a season to seek peace. Perhaps we may find it around us. With a small Christmas miracle, we might even find a measure of peace within us. In the twinkle of Christmas lights there abides a warmth that may kindle a bit of cheer on the dreariest of nights.

Within the innocent eyes of children, we may find a reminder of the sweet wonder of our own distant youth. Our reminiscence during Christmas season should include an examination and cleansing of our souls. Our heavy thoughts, our painful memories, should be displaced by hope and kindness and the willingness to accept love in our lives.

Wherever you find yourself in life, no matter how fraught your world may be with troubles and despair, allow yourself a portion of joy. Toss your anxiety aside for a time! Dispense with the demons of sorrow and hopelessness! Treat yourself to happiness, if only for a fleeting season!

From the Anything Outdoors with Steve team, we wish you a Merry Christmas! We are grateful to have you join us for a few moments of holiday bliss. We look forward to bringing you more adventures in the new year.

~ Daniel Mitchell – AOWS Editor

I Believe in Christmas Eve
The spirit here I think I see,
Reflected from the Christmas tree,
Across the crisp December snow –
A beacon of security.
Watching from my frosted window,
I think that, finally, I know
Why I believe in Christmas Eve –
That light that makes a pine tree glow.
Safe in this silent-night reprieve
From a troubled world, I believe
In peace on earth, good will to all.
Here, it is easy to achieve.
Watching herald angels fall,
As snow beyond my glistening wall,
I wait for Santa Claus to call.
And like a child, I feel so small.

~ Daniel F Mitchell

#Christmas #Winter #SnowHiking

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