#117: The Clinton Body Count Continues to Rise

3 years ago

Pardon My American
Published on Jun 29, 2020

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Episode Description:

The guys open the show discussing the apparent “suicide” of long-time Democrat funder, Steve Bing. They discuss Bing’s ties to the Clintons and how he was connected to a Wikileaks email regarding pizza, human trafficking, and a little girl. They then discuss the mysterious death of another man tied to the Clinton Foundation, Bharat Patel, who was found drowned a pool collectively with his daughter in-law and granddaughter. They explore Patel's connections to the Clintons and Bill Gates discovered by Tommy G.

Show Notes:

Cv Vaccine

- Melinda Gates To Deliver Vaccine to Blacks First: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/melinda-gates-wants-deliver-coronavirus-vaccine-based-racial-groups/

Clinton Suicides Continue

Steve Bing (democratic donor, friends with BC, Heidi Fleiss)
- Laura Ling and Euna Lee captured for illegally being in NK (March 2009) while reporting on human trafficking

- Wikileaks email about pizza displays LL and EL with girl (Shangri-la entertainment owned by Steve Bing): https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/10037

- Bing, Podesta, and Clinton flew to “rescue” journalists; Bing paid $200,000 for flight: https://thewaronliberty.com/pizzagate-the-coded-podesta-emails-pedophile-pizza-restaurants-hillary-clinton-satanic-ritual-sacrifice/
- https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=8260264&page=1

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