Mike Winger covering a topic on divorce and remarriage

2 years ago

#0 0:00 Intro to topic
#1 10:07 What you need to know about the Jewish backdrop of Jesus’ teaching on divorce.
#2 25:53 Why you should be open to exceptions to Jesus’ rule about not divorcing.
#3 37:15 What all four Gospels have in common on this topic.
#4 39:00 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Mark 10.
#5 46:54 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Luke 16.
#6 48:42 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Matthew 5.
#7 50:16 I’ve been taught that marriage is literally unbreakable; that it is ontologically impossible to end unless your spouse dies. What about that?
#8 54:26 What did Jesus mean by “sexual immorality”.
#9 1:11:00 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Matthew 19.
#10 1:21:22 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Romans 7.
#11 1:28:17 Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 10-16.
#12 1:37:54 Does “not enslaved” allow remarriage after divorce in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 15?
#13 1:51:19 When can a Christian spouse be treated like a non-Christian?
#14 2:00:49 What about abuse or extreme situations?
#15 2:08:25 If you divorce for abuse or extreme situations can you get remarried?
#16 2:10:51 Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 17-40.
#17 2:19:05 Who are we to disagree with the church fathers?
#18 2:31:46 God said, “I hate divorce”, doesn’t that mean you can’t get divorced?
#19 2:33:53 What about those who will abuse the exceptions and wrongly divorce?
#20 2:36:28 What about alcoholism, gambling, drug use, etc.?
#21 2:37:29 What about a marriage that was entered sinfully? Should it be broken up?
#22 2:44:05 What about David Instone-Brewer?
#23 2:57:06 Should a pastor marry someone who is wrongly divorced?
#24 2:58:53 Summary of all 16 biblical principles.
#25 3:02:45 What are bad reasons for getting a divorce?
#26 3:03:16 Final thoughts.

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