Vox Populi (With In-Game Editor): Civilization V Mod Let's Play Part 3

2 years ago

Disclaimer: The voice work is done after the footage is recorded as to not have anything bad accidentally recorded.

On this Vox Populi showcase let's play video, I go through the Medieval Era. I unlock and show you the descriptions of the Chancery (whose portrait shows books), the Heavy Skirmisher (twice, I forgot I already did it before), the Scrivener's Office, the State Treasury, the Public Works, and the Explorer. I also complete the Pantheon (which in this mod provides a culture and science boost to amphitheaters).

You're probably wondering, why did I restart the Vox Populi videos, well I tried playing the game without the In-Game editor and ended up stuck with a lengthy war with both Persia and England rather late into the game which there were signs that they were going to be the victors.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

0:00: On this video, I show you the Medieval Era of Vox Populi

0:22: I like how the portrait shows books.

1:10: I don't know why but Scrivener sounds like some kind of fortune teller

1:40: here's the Heavy Skirmisher description.

3:16: Florida Man needs money for his insane misadventures.

5:33: Slight culture and science boost from amphitheaters.

6:11: I've shown that entry before, I forgot that in the recording process.

8:09: This is the State Tresury.

11:25: Here's the Public Works description.

14:50: You can pause if you want to read the holy council description.

15:51: I'm going to need those delegates.

16:47: This is the Explorer Description.

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