Anna Paulina Luna Gone Wild: Lies Plague Campaign of Former Stripper

2 years ago

Oh Lordy Anna Paulina Luna (real name Mayerhofer) is a hot mess.

Last Friday, we confronted Anna Paulina Luna (real name Anna Paulina Mayerhofer) during a campaign event she organized at the Largo, Florida based Conservative Grounds coffee shop, which has become a popular hangout for Trump supporters from across the state of Florida, even snagging a shout-out from Donald Trump, Jr.


Central Florida Post set out to get a series of questions answered directly by Mayerhoffer, who is notoriously unwilling to take tough questions.

Why did she check the “White, not of Hispanic origin” box on her voter registration card in 2015 when she registered to vote in Florida? In current times, she claims to be Hispanic, with Mexican roots. Yet, for years, and presumably to present day, she does not officially claim that heritage on official registration documents.

When asked directly about this discrepancy, Luna claimed our questioning was “white shaming”, before retreating to a pickup truck outside of Conservative Grounds. As she emerged, Luna threatened a lawsuit over our line of questioning.

If she can’t handle hard questions from a journalist who is politically aligned with the America First movement, how the heck can we expect her to stand up to people like the dopey bartender AOC in the United States Congress?

Luna supporters then began hurling profanities in front of children, despite later accusing this journalist of “becoming vulgar” in front of children. Luna advocate and former congressional candidate Sharon Newby, even said that she “doesn’t like your kind”, referring to the fact that Jacob Engels is a gay conservative journalist.

You can watch her supporters go wild in the video.

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