Powerful earthquake in Indonesia | There are victims | Numerous collapses

3 years ago

In Indonesia, more than 96 people have died due to the natural disaster.
The earthquake reportedly affected 81 people in West Sulawesi.
Tremors occurred half an hour later, people were already asleep, this is due to the high number of deaths.

Numerous building collapses have occurred. Heavy machinery is used to find people in the rubble.
The epicenter was located 150 km northeast of Ambon, where almost 400 thousand people live.
Local seismologists have estimated the magnitude at 7.5, and Europeans even more - at 7.7.

Initially, it was known about a possible tsunami.
The inhabitants of the island left their homes and shops in panic.
Later, the country's authorities announced the minimum threat of a tsunami.
The epicenter of the Earthquake was underwater in the Flores Sea.

"There is material damage, including the hotel Maleo and the office of the Governor of West Sulawesi, which were seriously damaged."


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