Atty Tom Renz Initiates Action To Pressure RICO Charges Against Fauci, the Media & Everyone Involved

2 years ago

The Covid-Crime Against Humanity affects the world, so everyone can, and should sign Renz letter. I did

We the free and united people of America and the world are writing in regards to the unlawful and corrupt actions taken by the healthcare industry, bureaucrats, and media regarding COVID-19.

The fact is that we are now moving ahead as quickly as possible with these COVID shots. We are even authorizing them in children despite the fact that people under 30 are at ZERO statistical risk of death from COVID-19 and the shots appear far more dangerous to children than the disease. Further, we are doing this with no transparency. The DHHS has done everything possible to cover up the side effects and dangers of these injections, even going so far as to request 55 years to release the documents they relied upon to authorize/approve these deadly injections. How can informed consent be given without a true understanding of the risk?

This situation is untenable and we demand that it be remedied. We the free people of this nation and world will no longer comply with mandates that fail to consider our inalienable rights. In the spirit of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Jesus Christ we will spread our message through peace and we will resist peacefully, but make no mistake, we WILL resist.

We now demand the following from our elected leaders, and vow to remember your actions or inaction when it comes time to vote and donate:

1. The resignation/termination of Anthony Fauci and civil/criminal investigation of his actions by a truly INDEPENDENT prosecutor;

2. The criminal and civil investigation of those involved with any gain of function research that may have been responsible for the creation of SARs-COV2;

3. Investigations – criminal and civil – into the deceptive and misleading push for the gene therapy injections that have been falsely labeled as vaccines (only after the definition of “vaccine” was changed). This should include RICO and fraud claims (as is appropriate) involving the “Trusted News Initiative”, the drug companies, hospital systems, and some government actors;

4. Transparency legislation that gives the public immediate access to the raw data and submitted documents related to the shots and COVID “pandemic” – If there is nothing to hide NO ONE should oppose transparency. This should be passed on the state level as well;

5. Liability for injury from vaccines under the same rules as any other product – if they are safe there should be no opposition to liability to help those that have been injured;

6. Legislation that recognizes the absolute right to reject medical treatment or vaccination of any type for ANY reason;

7, NO funding or state/federal contracts with ANY organization that discriminates based on vaccination or health status;

8. Funding for the hundreds of thousands of individuals injured by job loss and “vaccine” injury;

9. NO on vaccination status tracking legislation;

10. Our local law enforcement to uphold their oath - Link to Renz's Letter

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