Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Arduino Starter Kit Unboxing

3 years ago

Productivity Open is an industrial-rated Arduino compatible platform controller. This rugged open-sourced CPU mimics the MZero Arduino. You can add standard MZero shields (Add-on Boards), along with the Productivity 1000 PLC I/O.
The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller is CE and UL certified. Approved industrial standards ensure that your panels operate equipment and systems in a wide range of industrial environments and enable the safe functioning of equipment.
Industrial electrical noise isolation has been incorporated in the design of the Productivity Open. Voltages up to 240VAC can now be used with up to 3A output ratings on your maker project.
We will be unboxing and powering up our Productivity Open Starter Kit complete with an Ethernet and general-purpose IO Shield. Our kit also comes with a Productivity 1000 Analog input/output module. Let’s get started.

More information can be obtained on our website. This includes all of the links mentioned in this video.

There are several reasons why we are using the Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller. Here are just a few.
- CE and UL certified
- Designed to be MZero compatible
- Industrial shields available - Ethernet and general-purpose IO
- 15 Productivity 1000 PLC modules can be added - Customize your system
- Use your Arduino programs in the industrial environment
- Micro USB port - Power the CPU only and programming
- Micro SD card slot
- Programmable toggle switch
- CPU LED light
- Free software - Arduino IDE
- Productivity blocks - Program Development Time Saver

The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller currently has all of these features built into the P1AM-100 CPU.

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