LevRage - Playing With Fire

2 years ago

The words of Abraham Lincoln in honor of the soldiers that sacrificed their lives in order “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. The U.S. Constitution specifically states that We The People have the right to overthrow a tyrannical or false government...and THAT is EXACTLY what we have right now. The entire establishment is CORRUPT. The government works for US...NOT the other way around as these Globalist "elites" line their greedy pockets with our hard earned dollars while they sell us out to China. The Question is, are We The People going to allow this tyrannical government to continue to destroy America, or are We The People going to UNITE, STAND TOGETHER, and TAKE BACK our great country? The time to SAVE AMERICA is at hand. #LGBFJB #fuckjoebiden #treason #letsgobrandon #SAVEAMERICA CRUSH the #NWO

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