Why Crime Statistics Can't Be Trusted: PT 3 w/ Marc MacYoung - Target Focus Training - Tim Larkin

3 years ago

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Hey Everybody!

Tim Larkin here. When I was writing my latest book I needed to look up crime stats. I was looking for any reliable information. What I found was pretty wild, and I'm going to share that with you. In a three-part series, I'm bringing back an expert, Marc MacYoung, to explain them and why it's important to you.

In Part 3 today we conclude the interview with more thoghts on self-defense and the legal system's point of view of it.

If you haven't seen Parts 1 or 2 yet check them out first in the links below.

Part 1 - https://youtu.be/Oj5-_c0vOfs
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/iTc2mpzs_gY

Links for Marc MacYoung:
(What You Don't Know Can Kill You: How Most Self Defense Training Will Put You Into Prison Or The Ground)

00:00 Introducction w/ Marc MacYoung
00:40 Introduction w/ Tim Larkin
02:19 Part 3 Of THe Interview
02:25 Logan's Run & False Hope In A System
05:05 Right On The Edge
09:01 Some Peoples Talisman Is Their Gun
11:!3 What Gets Us To This Point
14:46 Can You Rely On Your Social Network?
18:15 The Demographics Moving Away From The Cities
20:18 Nationonal Guard Shutting Down Roads
28:02 Keeping Everybody In Check
33:12 Is This Time Really That Concerning?
38:07 People Are Losing Faith In The Instituions
42:12 Partisan Emotions Make For Bad Decisions
46:34 In Closing & Please Subscribe

For better ways to protect yourself and your family go to:

For more information on the courses we mentioned visit:

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Target Focus Training - Tim Larkin - Awareness - Self Protection - Self Defense - Martial Arts - Marc MacYoung

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