3 years ago

How any one on earth, is unable to see, the daily criminal treason being perpetuated by the Demond rats and Obummer, defies all logic and common sense. Even blind Freddy can see there is a lot of rotten apples, in the barrel. What I find hard to fathom, is how the demond rats think they can get away, with having the real Biden, be it only on odd occasions, and mostly putting up widely divergent looking individuals, as the Biden imposters. Admittedly with all the surgical alterations to faces, and extensive highly skilled tattoo work, just to try and make each and every imposter just look a bit more like the old Biden, makes it pretty hard at times, to work out who is who. The real Biden fluctuates greatly weight wise. At times it’s hard to believe it’s him, as he also keeps looking younger. Perhaps many face lifts. The sure fire way to recognize the real Biden, is if you can get a look at his scalp. He has a multitude of dark and sizeable moles, on the top and back of his scull. Very big one, on the left side well down the back. Otherwise all the distinguishing marks are the same, on each and every imposter, and there are dozens of them. Imposters all have two divots above the left eye. Small divot just above the right eye. Two slashes on the right cheek , all most impossible to see in most photos. An arrow head near the left eye. Birth mark near the left eye. Mark near right eye lid, just out from the tiny divot. Plus a multitude of moles, scars, birthmarks etc, all tattooed on by experts. Trump knows everything. Will close the whole charade down whenever he feels like it.

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