Vena Isabella

2 years ago

Book Title:
Strippers “The Art of the Tease”

Log Line:
“I believe that inside every woman is a stripper waiting to be released”---Have Vena expand on this....also, have Vena tell us more
about her life in the striptease world....

My name is Vena Isabella. I’m completing a book "Strippers --The Art of the Tease” which will be ready for publication soon

I worked for many years as a lighting tech and designer for Burlesque shows in Las Vegas like Minsky 's Burlesque, Olde Tyme Burlesque, the famous Palomino Club etc. and in Los Angeles at the world famous Body Shop and other venues. I have worked with striptease artists that to this day are still known for their stage performances like Kitten Natividad, Satan’s Angel, Dusty Summers etc.

I refer to Stripping as an art form because it takes more than good looks-an act that’s actually a mini-production that incorporates costume, make-up, choreography, music, lighting, usually a gimmick, talent and above all, showmanship.

The book is filled with personal interviews, bios, glamorous photos and a history of Burlesque. How it has evolved from the fertility
dances of Babylonian Times and the belly dance traditionally known as the birth dance (to prepare woman’s bodies for the birth process) to Roman times and how it became a dance to entertain men.The book takes us through the centuries and how the “striptease dance” has given women a forum for their empowerment from the precondition of a submissive woman in a male dominated society.From Victorian Times, the Golden Age of Burlesque to present day there are many woman who dared to go beyond the mores of society giving us a host of exciting personalities and interesting stories like Mae West; writer, performer, screenwriter etc. who became the 2nd richest person in America of 1929 next to Randolf Hearst.

Today, we have pole dancing which can also be consider an art form. From the decline of Burlesque in the 40’s we have Neo-Burlesque making a comeback with superstar, Dita Von Tease and the Burlesque Hall of Fame annual convention keeping Burlesque alive.

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