🇳🇿 New Zealand a pilot experiment for the Party of Davos/WEF.

3 years ago

New Zealand: A communist police state that most people are not aware of.

Most people think of New Zealand as a country with beautiful scenery (think Lord of the Rings), friendly welcoming people, the All Blacks, the Haka and a great place to holiday in or indeed live. Some of the worlds richest people see it as a bolt-hold in the event that our crazy world turns to sh*t.

What you may not know, is that New Zealand is being used as a pilot for the introduction of draconian laws, digital ID's, digital currency and most likely a social credit system similar to that deployed in China linking it all together. Its media is in the pocket of government, so censorship to the masses is extraordinarily repressive. Combine this with law enforcement that has become politicised much like the FBI, CIA and DOJ under Obama and a Prime Minister that is a lifetime communist along with its Minister of Finance and you start to build a bleak picture. New Zealand's people are naïve to the worlds evils and have been subjected to a barrage of government propaganda during the course of the covid pandemic.

New Zealand has recently introduced a vaxx passport system, similar to that being voted on in the UK today, it employs quarantine 'hotels', vaccine checkpoints and has recently mandated the vaxx for certain worker groups such as health, military and police. Please take note, this is ewhat the globalists have planned for us all.

Not quite the pacific haven that you might have envisaged?

The video below was captured this morning from New Zealand breakfast TV and is presented to highlight the extent of the brainwashing and the predominant government narrative that dominates New Zealand's MSM. I urge you to spend a few minutes watching it and share this post far and wide. Please take note of the captions at the bottom of the screen. Coverage of the checkpoints starts about 4:15 minutes in. We need help urgently and for a global spotlight to be directed on us and our tyrannical government in particular. God bless New Zealand.

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