Suppression of Cancer Cures Killing Us, Warns Ty Bollinger

3 years ago

Rockefeller interests and other sinister forces worked hard to suppress effective treatments and cures for cancer over a period of generations, Truth About Cancer leader Ty Bollinger tells The New American magazine's Alex Newman at the Red Pill Expo in Lafeyette, Louisiana. But the truth is coming out. Most of those behind this evil agenda is about making money from harming people. But there is even a depopulation agenda, too, warned Bollinger, pointing out that numerous key members of the global elite have been promoting population control. One critical message for people suffering from cancer of those who know somebody is not to accept a doctor's claim that life is over because of the diagnosis. Do not succumb to fear either--dispel it with knowledge, and know your options. Even though "needle-wielding maniacs" downplay the immune system, it is God's tool for each person to stay healthy.

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