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Born In Blackness

3 years ago

In his new book BORN IN BLACKNESS: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World War ( W.W. Norton; Oct 12, 2021), Columbia Univ prof & former New York Times bureau chief in the Caribbean and Central America, West and Central Africa, Tokyo, and Shanghai, Howard W. French, reorients our view of modern history revolving around the exploration of the New World. French argues gold and slaves from “Africa (were) the linchpin of the machine of modernity” and the facts around this truth should no longer be overlooked in our teaching of history.

Howard French is available for interviews immediately on Tuesdays, Thursday & Fridays – all day. Monday & Wed between 8 and 10 am and after 3 pm ET. I would love to get you a copy of the book – PDF &/or hard copy. If there is interest in an interview, please call or email with a preferred date & time.

BORN IN BLACKNESS reframes the story of medieval and emerging Africa, demonstrating how the economic ascendancy of Europe, the anchoring of democracy in the West, and the fulfillment of so-called Enlightenment ideals all grew out of Europe’s quest for gold, slaves and riches. French creates a historical explanation that begins with the commencement of commercial relations between Portugal and Africa in the fifteenth century and ends with the onset of World War II.


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