This Is For the Greater Good | 12/14/21

2 years ago

A new mellow version of the PGU bumper music is played. Biden approval ratings are still remarkably low on practically every topic. Jill Biden tries her hardest to defend her husband. Joe Biden really wants people to get that third booster shot to avoid any upcoming tornadoes. Time has announced its 2021 Person of the Year: Elon Musk. Interviewees on news outlets have immediately begun to push the "Build Back Better" agenda after the tragedy in the Midwest. A pizza costs more than one would think in San Francisco. Mark Zuckerberg interviewed Dr. Fauci in March 2020, and he had some intriguing things to say. AOC had some choice words to say about civil asset forfeiture. A caller gives us a firsthand account of the recent tornado. The governor of Colorado has declared the COVID-19 pandemic over! A woman gives us an accurate summary of the pandemic for the greater good.

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