Mental health in Taiwan 台灣人的心理健康

2 years ago

✏️ 探討議題:
1. 心理健康是否跟身體健康等同重要 Are the mental health also important as physical health?
2. 過去未解決的問題,會影響現在的人生?
The unsolved problems will affect your life now?

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:50 對於心理諮商的看法 what do you think about mental consulting?
13:00 過往戀情怎麼影響現在的感情 how the past love affects the relationship now?
22:22 一般台灣人怎麼看待「心累了」這件事 how Taiwanese treat “mentally exhausted” In general
29:54 家人朋友的支持 the support from family and friends
40:35 諮詢療程通常多久?幾個月、幾年?how long is the mental threapy? Months or years?

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