Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast, Episode 129 – Comrades!

3 years ago

There are changes afoot in Macedonia – SDSM has “elected” a “new” leader as outgoing prime minister Zoran Zaev prepares to step down. Smaller political parties that are a part of his government complain about what his new best friends forever – the BESA party – got in governmental positions in return for their votes. Will they now demand more or leave? How will this all work out? And will Macedonians become a minority in their own government? We now know that Macedonia will not begin EU accession talks as Bulgaria continues its veto. Can VMRO-DPMNE do any better? They’ve just reelected party leader Hristijan Mickoski who now promises to enlarge the party. Will it happen? Cvetin and Jason suss all of this – and more – out in this edition. Have a listen!

Farmers’ Pick:

Music by:

- Mizar (Pocesna strelba - Last salute)

With gratitude to Mark Steyn for giving us the idea for the podcast name

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