WebLurker -- COVID Daily Summary -- December 13, 2021

3 years ago

Today's show starts with John Batchelor's interview with business leader Chris Reigel is about Boris Johnson's abrupt turnaround in the UK, forcing vaccine passports and lockdowns. Reigel is exasperated by the politicization of Johnson's and other European leaders' approaches to the CCP virus.

Bongino weighs in with his podcast segment the other day regarding the ever-changing goalposts of just when is "fully vaccinated" achieved. A typically classic Bongino takedown of Pfauci and other tyrants.

Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, is an iconoclast. In today's short segment, Adams iconoclastically calls into question exactly why there have been ZERO Omicron deaths when the media coverage would indicate a far different outcome.

Our last guest is Dinesh D'Souza calling into question the nefarious technique the media uses to describe Omicron. It gets to the propagandizing function the media plays in today's Leftist power grab.

The classic segment concludes today's show and features a compilation of falsehoods perpetrated by card carrying members of the panic porn industry. Check it out.

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