German covid dystopia: nine Schwabian storm troopers needed to control elderly woman's vaxpass

3 years ago

Credit Instagram's @davidjharrisjr with this December 2021 video footage of nine Schwabian storm troopers disguised as Schwarzpolizei. The meatiest jackbooted thug uses hand-on-wrist attack to detain and control an elderly woman, ostensibly because she lacked her vaxpass documents.

It is not immediately apparent how to escape this situation wherein the attacker uses his heft and mass to advantage. When outnumbered nine to one it is usually best physically to comply but verbally to resist the advances of the dominator and seek to attract attention. The other attackers will usually position themselves in such a way to act as a screen between the public and the attacker. It is important that the other Schwarzpolizei be given no reason to use force, so onlookers are typically limited to the periphery.

Under no circumstances should the onlooker establish physical contact with the bulwark. Instead, the onlooker should attack verbally the manhood and moral position of the Schwarzpolizei, as this onlooker ably does. The idea is for the bulwark person to be made to feel like a weakling and a piece of human garbage so that the person inside the armour of state begins to hate his job. Normally, physically dominant people focus on their natural strength and disregard psychological jiu-jitsu. This chink in their armour can in some cases be fatal. The object here is for the onlooker to strip away the dignity of the Schwabians and thus to strip the Schwabians of their pawns.

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