The Weekly Energy Foresight For December 13-19, 2021

2 years ago

🔮 December 13-19, 2021

🕯 Eight Of Candles (Wands)

Movement & Action is the name of the game this week!

You may be hustling & bustling because of the holidays, or you may be feeling motivated by the success of last week!

Either way, the vibrational high that this energy extends feels easy and effortless so dig in and get ready for a most wonderful sleigh ride!

Enjoy 🛷

🌟 Mid-Week ~ 13-16

👼 End-Week ~ 16-19
You Found It!

🎉 Observances:
13 - National Cocoa Day
- National Day of the Horse
- National Guard Birthday
- National Violin Day
14 - Asarah B'Tevet (Tenth of Tevet)
- Monkey Day
15 - Bill of Rights Day
- National Cupcake Day
- International Tea Day
16 - National Chocolate Covered ANYTHING Day
17 - Underdog Day
- National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
- Wright Brothers Day
- National Maple Syrup Day
18 - National Wreaths Across America Day
- Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day
- National Twin Day
- International Migrants Day
- Arabic Language Day
- Full Cold Christmas Baby Long Moon
19 - National Hard Candy Day
- National Oatmeal Muffin Day
- Venus Retrograde Until January 29, 2022


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