3 years ago

To follow without question is to abandon individual sovereignty. And when the abused defend their abusers to the extent that they attack those who are actually trying to save them, the abused become "useful idiots". The question then becomes, "are they worth the effort it takes to save them when they fight back so passionately?" It's not that they are not worth the effort, the reality is it is not our place to save them, that responsibility belongs to them. If they choose obedience over accountability and throw stones at you when you extend your hand to them, you are under no obligation to accept their attack and you are under no obligation to join them in the protection of their ignorance. What I find fascinating is how mean the abused are. They seem to have an inability to defend their assertions with respect. If they disagree with you or you disagree with them - they express hate. If you do not see the world exactly as they see the world, then you are less than human and they are justified in wishing violence upon you. They are justified in calling for society to abandon you. The irony is it is the abused who have abandoned society in order to protect their abusers. Have a curious mind. It will make you the enemy of ignorance, but a champion of truth.

ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/I-HAVE-A-CURIOUS-MIND-e1bl6cb

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