FM (No Static at All) by Steely Dan

3 years ago

"No Static at All (No Static at All, No Static at All)...FM, No Static at All"...means there is NO ELECTRICITY in the Right Hemisphere of the Brain (FM), only in the Electrical Left Brain (or, AM), so get out of Electricland, and Cross Over the River to FM, or Heaven Upon Earth...

Donald Fagen and Walter Becker of Steely Dan are truly more Gnostic Teachers or Prophets of the Essene, rather than "Rock and Roll Stars", much in the same way as say, Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson of the Alan Parsons Project were...these bands rarely toured because their Life's work was POURED into these albums and songs...and this is why they made some of the best Albums, of any genre, of all time...

These songs are ENCODED Masterpieces from Men who devoted their Lives to Teaching God's TRUE Messages...and their works are absolute Treasures, such as the song, FM, from the Soundtrack of the 1978 movie, FM, about a Radio Station as one of the LAST Pioneers of Freedom on the Radio, resisting takeover by the Cabal, holding on to the tradition of the DJ's playing both what the Listeners wanted to hear, but more importantly, what the Listeners NEEDED to hear...

And just look at the Artists who agreed to have their songs on this soundtrack...

Steely Dan, Dan Fogelberg, The Doobie Brothers, Boston, Jimmy Buffett, Tom Petty, Steve Miller, Boz Scaggs, Foreigner, Queen, The Eagles, Bob Seger, Billy Joel, etc...

Accident? Coincidence that virtually all of these bands were encoding God's Teachings into their songs? Nope...purposeful...these bands got behind this relatively low-budget project because of what it stood for...which is what is RIGHT, rather than what is Profitable, or worse, what is purely EVIL...

In this song, FM, Donald and Walter are NOT writing about FM radio stations playing better music than AM radio stations (although, at the time, this was TRUE, FM radio was the Bastion of Great Music and AM had become largely Trivial nonsense), rather, this song was entirely ALCHEMICAL in is entirely about choosing GOD via the Right Hemisphere of the Brain, versus Hell, in the Left Hemisphere...

FM really stood for "Father Mother" Radio, where F = 6 and M = 13, and 6+13 = 19, which is SURRENDER...and this is a key aspect to this leave the world of Not caring what is being played (the Distraction), as long as it is played til Dawn, Mindless, Brain Numbing Drivel from the Masters of Carnal Nonsense, then we must CROSS THE FICTION, Cross the River of Life, and choose Living with the Tree of Life, found in the Eastern section of the Garden of Eden...thus, what this song is truly saying is that we must all Cast Our Nets to the Right, and choose God over Mammon, Jesus Christ over Satan, Heaven over Hell...

There is so much being said in each line of this song, see if you can Re-Code all of the messages that Donald and Walter left there for us to sift through as Roll the Rock Archaeologists...

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