Echoes of Hope, Part 4 | "God in The Gap" | Tullian Tchividjian

2 years ago

This is Part 4 in a series entitled “Echoes of Hope.”

In this sermon—“God in The Gap"—we look at the very familiar story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.

Many people read this story as if it’s primarily about us and how we can slay the giants in our life if we can simply muster up the faith that David had. BUT, to read it this way is to drastically misinterpret this story. In fact, we get no lasting hope and comfort if we make it about us and what we need to do to experience victory in our lives.
The purpose of this story is much bigger and much more beautiful than how we can, and should, be like David.

I hope you listen. I hope it sets you free…

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