Emotional Closing

3 years ago

Emotional closing is an effective and often used sales technique. The technique does not apply at any time and in any case, and in this film I explain what are the conditions to achieve success with emotional closure in sales.
This movie is part of the Clasic.Sales series, old sales techniques that are just as effective today.

00:00 Example
00:45 Definition
01:28 Conditions
02:14 End

I write about sales, marketing, training and information technology. Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/SalesmanPride
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Join my LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/salesman-pride/?viewAsMember=true
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mhanganu
My website: https://www.salesman-pride.com
Buy my e-learning course at: https://eduweb.ro/courses/managementul-echipelor-in-teleworking/

Equipment I use in my movies:
Leeventi Teleprompter: https://leeventi-teleprompter.com/?ref=salesmanpride
Q2n Zoom Camera: https://www.f64.ro/zoom-q2n-handy-video-recorder/p?idsku=310091
Samsung NX Mini: https://www.samsung.com/uk/cameras/nx-mini-9mm-lens/EV-NXF1ZZB1IGB/
Webcam SriHome SH004 Pro: https://www.emag.ro/camera-web-srihometm-sh004-pro-extra-fullhd-3mp-unghi-110-grade-30fps-scoala-online-anulare-zgomot-de-fond -rotire-plug-play-negru-web-sh004 / pd / DG90J7MBM /
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T 5G: https://www.emag.ro/telefon-mobil-xiaomi-redmi-note-9t-dual-sim-64gb-5g-daybreak-purple-redmi-note-9t-64-4- purple / pd / D3Q6WTMBM /? X-Search-Id = 2457fc211ed928477ef1 & X-Product-Id = 7922448 & X-Search-Page = 1 & X-Search-Position = 10 & X-Section = search & X-MB = 0 & X-Search-Action = view
Green screen: https://www.vidaxl.ro/e/8718475820871/vidaxl-sundem-de-suport-fundal-300-x-300-cm-verde
Kruger & Matz Microphone: https://www.cel.ro/microfoane/microfon-gaming-vlogging-usb-warrior-kruger-matz-negru-pMCU3MTYqNA-l/
Editing software: DaVinci Resolve Studio 17: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/

Demo filming and editing software: Wondershare Filmora Demo: https://filmora.wondershare.com/business/software-demo-videos.html

Doodly animation software: https://www.doodly.com/

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