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3 years ago

This video has many videos from a number of years, all clearly identified, so they can be checked for authenticity, by any one who cares to do so. They are nearly all from C-SPAN videos, which is a semi government instrumentality.
Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN; /ˈsiːˌspæn/) is an American cable and satellite television network that was created in 1979 by the cable television industry as a nonprofit public service. It televises many proceedings of the United States federal government.
The quality of their work is often about 1/10th of what my camera phone will do.
This video clearly shows, that no Biden has ever been inaugurated, as anything ever. Not sure why that is, because it appears Biden has still appeared on C-SPAN officiating on many occasions, at government affairs. Surprisingly, I have virtually never seen the guy inaugurated (three times), appear much on C-SPAN.
However an absolute plethora of imposters has proliferated since 2008. The numbers of imposters through the years, has grown exponentially and gone totally ballistic. No body could ever count the number of imposters that have been produced. Every imposter has had extensive surgical work and Tattoo work, to try and make all different looking imposters look like the old Biden.
In the last few years I have put out over 30 videos on Biden and the imposters. They can be found at Bitchute and Rumble under Knighty. There is a lot of information photos and collages, at Bannons Warroom Forum, under Deplorable Discusions “Knighty137”
My 2ND book. Just click and read. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1POEh22kCkiYda8G1n9P9l_awN4Zr_0ot/view?usp=sharing


  • 0/2000
  • Crazy stuff my friend…. I counted 4 different? Question is, Jill (the baby-sitter), must be a psycho-sociopath- imagine going day to day along with this miserable sliding house of cards…???

  • FJB - LGB 🤬

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  • MY SECOND BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1POEh22kCkiYda8G1n9P9l_awN4Zr_0ot/view?usp=sharing

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