New Report - Risky Vaxes Don’t Work Well, 3737

2 years ago

In a new report, researcher Corey Mitchell has put together the best compilation
of the overwhelming, and growing, body of medical evidence showing that any sort of reasonable risk versus benefit analysis of the COVID vaxs can’t possibly come the conclusion that children should be vaxed.

I learned the hard way that the primary goal of the minions of satan - once Trump was out of the way - was maximum submission to the vax. But why? Why was this so important that they would kick me off of YouTube after 16 years for quoting a press release from the World Health Organization saying that children should not be vaxed?

No, for some reason, big Tech has been told by the masters of the world that their most important goal is to force immunizations all the way down to our children.

Apparently, the masks and the “social distancing” were all part of an unprecedented worldwide fear campaign. Fear to generate the needed compliance with the vax.

According to soft spoken epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Rische of Yale Univ. pandemic fear was manufactured by authorities.

“Overall, I’d say that we’ve had a pandemic of fear. And fear has affected almost everybody, whereas the infection has affected relatively few.”

According to Dr. Rische, the mass fear campaign was totally unnecessary – unless you benefited financially from its creation.

“People were quite afraid … with the government, with authorities, with scientists, [and] medical people in authority in the public health institutions, all saying the same message starting in about February, March of last year.”

But the fear campaign was needed to hide the fact that there existed legacy, time-tested therapeutics available all the time instead of rushing vaccine experiments on to the public.

“I'm looking at clinicians who have now treated more than 150,000 patients, with fewer than 2 dozen deaths, with #hydroxychloroquine."

But still, Jumpin Joe Biden is now threatening to have every breathing American vaxed no matter how many court challenges are thrown at him.

For example, last week, Nevada’s public employees were slapped with a $55 a month surcharge until they get the vax, though the surcharges would not go into effect until July 1, 2022, no doubt to leave room for the inevitable court challenges that are bound to come.

Last week, Dr. Bose Ravenel, MD, a recently retired prof. of pediatrics, sent me a 200-page analysis of the vax situation with this unqualified endorsement:

“This is hands down, the most well crafted, 269-referenced, powerfully illustrated with slides, commentary on CoVID-19 I have seen in my 2,100 hours of study….”

Here are just some of the key data points from this report:

“200 total deaths involving COVID-19 for age group 5-14 as of November 27, 2021 (compared to 334 for pneumonia over the same time period). [CDC].”

So, pneumonia deaths for children were nearly twice as high as were COVID deaths, but was there any frenzied call to roll out untested pneumonia vaxes?

For adults, the growing statistical evidence is nothing but grim:

Over 19,000 deaths directly attributed to the COVID vax, and over 100,000
Hospitalizations. And every week, new evidence emerges that vaccine induced immunity
wanes significantly over time –

Here is some of the latest data charted in graph form:

Children, especially healthy children, are at zero risk of death from COVID-19. Given the significant spike in adverse reactions reported to CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the COVID-19 vaccines appear to be the most dangerous vaccines ever produced by a wide margin.
[Insert charts with spikes]

According to the Mitchell report:

“These charts from VAERS paint an ominous picture. In the top graph we see a relatively flat number of deaths reported over the entire history of the VAERS system until the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, and then there is an enormous spike. The bottom graph tells us the vaccines are to blame for the deaths as the vast majority of the reports of death occur within the first 2 days after administration.”

According to the report:

“This is not surprising given all the corners that were cut during operation warp speed (no animal trials, no long-term safety studies, etc). Side effects include blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, and bell’s palsy just to name a few.”

“These are life threatening and debilitating reactions that are not matched by risks of COVID-19 infection in children, or even relatively healthy adults for that matter.”

“Vaccine creation is generally a decade-long process due to the long-term safety trials that are carried out, except when an emergency is declared of course. We have no idea what the long-term safety profile of these vaccines are.”

“Clinical trials in children are still ongoing and not set to complete for several years. Giving children, or anyone for that matter, these vaccines is the equivalent of turning them into a science experiment being conducted for profit by serial felons.”

Most Corrupt Industry on Earth?

The pharmaceutical industry is certainly one of the most corrupt on Earth, despite formidable competition in the banking and energy industries, but it certainly causes the most physical harm. Here are just a few of the highlights from the shady past of the COVID-19 manufacturers.


Pfizer paid the largest criminal fine in history, $2.3 billion for fraudulent marketing.
Pfizer was caught bribing officials in countries all over the world.

Pfizer settled lawsuits after testing a risky meningitis drug on African children. Even worse, Pfizer hired investigators to dig up dirt on Nigeria’s attorney general in order to get the case dropped.

Pfizer agreed to pay up to $205 million to settle lawsuits over defective heart valves, and resisted an FDA order to notify all recipients of the defective valve.

The report shows Pfizer received 42,086 reports containing 158,893 adverse events from their COVID vax, truly astonishing numbers for only 2½ months of data.

The other 2 vax makers, Johnson and Johnson, and Moderna have their problems as well, but for brevity, we just mention Pfizer’s problems.

Given the shocking data on the dangerous nature of these vaccines, it’s no surprise that those who stand to benefit tremendously from the success of these vaccines have commissioned media hit pieces calling into question the reliability of the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System – or VAERS.

Even though healthcare workers are required to report some adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events, a major Harvard study found that less than 1% of adverse events are actually reported to VAERS.

The signal coming from VAERS is telling us that something is very wrong, and that signal is corroborated by other sources. Data from the UK Health Security Agency show there have been thousands more deaths than the five-year average for causes including heart failure since the summer.

The VAERS data is again corroborated by a recent analysis of the UK data which shows that vaccinated people between the ages of 10-59 are dying at twice the rate of the unvaccinated in the same age group from all causes.

The VAERS data is once again corroborated by the World Health Organization’s VigiAccess database, which contains 2,706,410 adverse events reported due to COVID-19 vaccines as of December 9, 2021.

For comparison, VigiAccess only has 277,882 reports of adverse reactions to influenza vaccines in more than 40 years of record keeping.

In other words, the COVID vaccine in just the last year or so, has caused 10 times as many adverse event reports as the entire 40 years worth of tracking the annual flu vaccines. So that’s around 400 times as many per year, and remember that Harvard study that shows that the actual number eventually attributable to the COVID vaccines may be 100 times under reported. If these numbers end up being accurate, that would mean that the COVID vaccines cause around 40,000 times more problems than the annual flu vaccine.

Is that the risk/benefit gamble that anyone should voluntarily take with their children?

I’m still reporting from the soon to be restored epi-center of world freedom. Good day.

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