ALERT: Scientist Warns Against Covid Vax for Children

3 years ago

Dec 05, 2021

There is no compelling reason to subject children to the mRNA vaccine.

Nicolas Derome, PhD, Professor in the Biology Department at Laval University, is a deeply qualified, passionate scientist who lays out a compelling case against injecting children with the mRNA vaccine. In a video exclusively translated from French for RAIR Foundation USA, the Biology professor explains that he makes his case as a scientist and as a father.

It is difficult to find a compelling reason to subject children to the mRNA vaccine, which continues to be experimental and seeks to tackle a disease that barely impacts healthy people in general, but children in particular.

Dr. Derome’s presentation “Gene therapy in 5 to 11 year olds: what are the risks?” has been viewed on YouTube almost 72,000 times since it was published on November 25, 2021. In it, Dr. Derome uses visual slides as he lays out the evidence against injecting children with the “experimental” vaccine.

Dr. Derome works with “Reinfo Covid”, which is the Quebec branch of the French group of the same name. The mission as explained in part on their website “is to bring together health professionals, in order to support them and jointly find solutions to the health crisis.”

Coronavirus Risk in Children
As for the coronavirus itself, Derome explains that the Quebec public health organization INSPQ has not reported any “serious cases related to Covid in children under 17 years old, even up to 19 years old.” Further, the “mortality rate [for Covid] on a worldwide scale is extremely low”.

Children have “innate immunity,” the doctor explained, that is “far more effective than the one in adults,” which explains their “very low mortality rate” of “.0002% which represents one death out of five hundred thousand children”.

One argument for vaccinating children is that it would prevent them from infecting adults, but it is not easy to find data on how often this happens. The Centers for Disease Control is very vague on the matter, stating that “[T]he evidence that children and adolescents can be infected with, get sick from, and transmit SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve.”

In this vein, the doctor explained that it is “very well documented that the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID 19 is mainly transmitted from adults to children.” In fact, “[C]hild to adult virus transmission is extremely rare,” he says.

Experimental Gene Therapy
Dr. Nicolas Derome explains that citizens must have appropriate information “in order to make a free and informed choice about this vaccination campaign, which is now intended for children from 5 to 11 years old.”

The professor at the Institute of integrative biology and systems at Université Laval in Québec is particularly interested in the area of molecular biology referred to as functional genomics, or put simply, how

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