Sajid Javid admits measures extremely harmful, doesn't dispute data suggesting Omicron just a cold

2 years ago

Sajid Javid (1) admits Measures of Mass Destruction (MMD) are extremely harmful, (2) does not dispute that data on Omicron suggest it's just a cold.

In direct opposition to (2), measures of mass destruction still "necessary" to protect NHS and save lives. 🤷‍♂️

With good governance, measures are supposed to be, at a minimum, proportional. That means that the benefits of the measures must exceed the harm caused by the measures. Javid implicitly admits that the British dictates are not anywhere near proportional.

The real benchmark of measures is how they compare to the BEST alternative.

Here's my suggestion for best alternative: adequate ventilation, optimal humidity, adequate vitamin D blood levels, early treatment, healthy diet and lifestyle, voluntary protection of the high risk group. Any one of the measures works well and is unharmful. The more measures you combine, the better they work without causing harm and with POSITIVE side-effects..

Do the measures of most tyrannical western governments compare favorably or unfavorably to this best alternative in terms of efficacy and in terms of harms caused?


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