December 12, 2021

3 years ago

Sometimes late at night I just stare at it. I am blessed to have it..

Here are a few things I think make a course good:

1. Rocks The more angles the better. Long triangle rocks are good. You can choose any side down for more terrain options. Also look for rounded ones with a flat side or an interesting surface feature.

2. Make it as big as you can. Small courses are defeated quickly.

3. Climbs. The taller the better

4. Anchor piece. Have at least 4 large rocks or a terrain centerpiece. Build upon that with mid-sized and smaller components.

5. Cardboard boxes. They can be used as support structure to elevate rocks/hills as needed for climbs.

6. X-Factor. Give it something to make it stand out. Lights, realistic looking plants, signs. Create a theme. Something that would make an average person looking at it for the first time say, "Whoa! 😃"

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