December 11, 2021

2 years ago

SINGAPORE — The upcoming democracy summit that United States President Joe Biden will host is not intended for participants to "sit in judgement" of nations that are not invited, and the omission of the likes of Singapore from the forum is not an indictment of bilateral ties with Washington, a senior US diplomat has said.

BEIJING (BLOOMBERG) - United States President Joe Biden's planned democracy summit next week will be a "joke" and the American political system does not represent a real democracy, senior Chinese officials said on Saturday (Dec 4).

"Under the American democratic system, US politicians are the agents of interest groups, and don't represent interests of majority voters nor national interest," Mr Tian Peiyan, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Communist Party's central committee, said at a press conference in Beijing on Saturday for the release of a white paper on democracy.

US politicians would promise anything just to get elected and rarely delivered on their commitments, he said.

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