3 years ago

Hi everyone, welcome to JANJIE Discovery! I’m your Teacher JIE and this is my discovery...

Breeding Angelfish 100% successful

Follow these easy steps in breeding angelfish.
1. Have pair of angelfish.
2. Tank setup.
3. Water conditioning
4. Feed with high protein content food.

Steps in Breeding Angelfish

1. Have pair of angelfish.
Make sure to have a pair of angelfish (male and female). There are many ways to identify the male and the female angelfish. In my case, I used to identify this kind of fish by its size and body shape, crown or bump on its head, and breeding tube. Male has rounder and bigger, while females have angular and smaller. A male has a bump or crown on its head while females do not have. A male breeding tube is thinner and pointy while a female breeding tube is wider and blunt.

2. Tank setup
Inbreeding angelfish, it’s better to breed them in an aquarium (18 inches by 18 inches by 16 inches). You can use a sponge filter with moderate aeration. Add some pebbles, any rocks, and aquatic plants. Set it up like a natural. Place a slate away from the sponge filter.

3. Water conditioning
Water quality is the most important factor in breeding angelfish. This kind of fish will breed on any kind of water as long as they are ready. But the question is, are eggs hatched? In my practice, I used water in the faucet. I used anti-chlorine, methylene blue, and malachite green to condition the water. The proportion of using it is stated on the packaging of the product. You can use any brand of the product and just follow its instruction.

4. Feed with high protein content food.
You can feed them with daphnia, mosquito larvae, tubifex, etc., or any other live foods. But this kind of food is hard to find in our place so I used available commercial floating pellets with high protein content.

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