How To Achieve A Positive Money Mindset Part 3 The Universes University

2 years ago

In this video series I look at why our money mindset can and most likely is holding us back from achieving financial abundance and some very simple steps we can use to reprogram our sub conscience minds to a far more positive money mindset so we can attract more financial abundance into our lives through the law of attraction. The universes university.

Now how does one obtain a positive money mindset? Well we must start conditioning and programming one into ourselves. We can start with positive money affirmations, we can set down small financial goals for saving money, we can read books on money management and investing, we can start to go to luxury hotels and have a cup of coffee in the lobbies (so as to get use to the rich ambiance of expensive places and luxury places). Start talking to financial planners and accountants on investments. Most importantly though we must be already wealthy in our own minds because for anything to change in our outside physical world we must already have it in our inside world. We must consider ourselves already rich and living a rich lifestyle before it can manifest its self in the outside world. That is why it is important to have a positive money mindset so the universe isn’t getting conflicting messages from us in regards to money. We all have the right to be rich. Always be positive, grateful, and enthusiastic about life. Remember life is an adventure.​

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