War Room, The Omicron variant is simply not deadly Sorry mainstream media!

2 years ago

Dr. Malone lays out the conspiracy that Moderna and the NIH actually had a secret deal patten with the COVID-19 vaccine. So in 2014, The Obama administration bans gain of function research. In 2017, Anthony Fauci and Collins reinstated this dangerous research. Moderna cuts a deal with NIH to make a patten. They already knew that this thing was going to hit the fan before the president had any awareness that anything like this was going to happen. So what do you say about the claims that only unvaccinated people are dying and him saying that 90% of the people are vaccinated. The data doesn’t support any of that and remember that Francis Collins stepped down from NIH. In terms of Collins’ assertion, it is just false and they continue to lie. Why do they keep saying that unvaccinated people are the ones dying? We know that the delta variant cuts through the protection of the vaccine and the omicron variant as well, but luckily nobody has yet died from the omicron variant. The data is showing that in South Africa that they are not seeing significant disease and death. Fascinatingly, in the recent CDC report all the breakthroughs in omicron cases are all infecting vaccinated persons. If you want to look for silver linings, the case can be made that when omicron sweeps through the nation and displacing the delta variant so the idea is that these different isolates battle each other and humans are the ‘food’ and the viruses compete evolutionary. The ‘omicron’ variant has a larger burst side meaning you have higher levels of infection and even more replicating. The answer on dual infection is a maybe but not likely. In terms of omicron infectious, there are a couple hypotheses on how it came about it. Did it jump from animals, did it form in the immunocompromised. The most likely explanation is the evolutionary pressure of the vaccinated population or it could’ve been the consequence of another engineering event and who knows where it came from. So if you look at the charts Dr. Robert Malone, the evidence is pretty damning that the mRNA technology is just not safe and the press has buried at the lead. There has been a disclosure by Moderna that rolled out their data from their flu vaccine so we can compare the efficacy data from COVID-19 vaccines to regular flu vaccines. So we see the mRNA vaccine is working less than traditional vaccines. Does the vaccine cause harm? We’ve got 52% of the people having adverse events versus the placebo so what that teaches us it isn’t just the spike causing the problem but it must be the technology.

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