3 years ago

I keep looking and everything on the ground is still flat. It looks like curvature and motion cannot be detected. Maybe it's hard to believe. It's even harder to believe that we finally believed in a spinning globe. The spherical earth has yet to be proven, and the flat earth will not disappear until proven. The spherical earth paradigm is coming to an end, but was it meant to be, or are we really revealing something that was supposed to remain hidden? Do we have the complete picture or is this just the tip of the iceberg?

In any case, I am devoted to this journey and I am honored to have such an exciting time. Let's tear up NASA, including all other space programs. This is one of the main keys to understanding flat earth. When we see how much fraud is interspersed with these agencies, it becomes easier to grasp the great conspiracy and how it was achieved. As always, we'll cover that and much more in this video. Thanks for joining. Like and share this video if you support the information.

Written and produced by ODD TV

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