Joe Rogan Confirms His Doctor Treated Over 200 Members of Congress With Ivermectin

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Joe Rogan Confirms His Doctor Treated Over 200 Members of Congress With Ivermectin

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By Alicia Powe
Published October 28, 2021 at 5:58pm

As the “government-medical-media complex.” attempts to force mass compliance with mRNA vaccination, you and anyone who diverts from the mainstream narrative is branded “conspiracy theorists” or “anti-science.”
The corporate media’s campaign to bombard the public with warnings about Ivermectin being a “horse de-wormer” was disrupted after podcast giant Joe Rogan revealed the medication, which is listed by the National Institute of Health’s website as an ‘antiviral agents approved for covid treatment, effectively helped him fend off the virus.
While doctors and pharmacists are being barred by healthcare management from prescribing Ivermectin, a Noble prize-winning medication that has been used to treat humans for parasitic infection for over three decades, over 200 members of Congress have used Ivermectin to effectively fend off covid, Rogan notes.
“It’s fascinating – the exposing of mainstream media. It’s one thing I am very happy about,” he told Michael Malice in his podcast last week. “By the way, 200 Congresspeople have been treated with Ivermectin for Covid. Google that. You can probably find that on Dr. Pierre Kory’s Twitter page.

“I do not know the motivation for demonizing this particular medication,” he added. “But I would imagine some of it has to do with money because… this a generic drug now. The patent has run out… and it’s worth like 30 cents per dose.”

Smart Life Reports
In an interview with WSAU’s Meg Ellefson last week, Dr. Kory argued the concerted effort to withhold ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from the public is a “tragedy.”
The antiparasitic medication Ivermectin is “without question” a wonder drug with miraculous effectiveness against Covid 19, he said. “It’s proven so. You wouldn’t know that if you live in the United States, but certainly around the world we have incredible accomplishments. For instance, the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh essentially eradicated covid from a state of 241 million people by using ivermectin systematically throughout the state. They have almost zero cases now.”

“They are trying to dissuade people from using it. That’s the great sadness of this pandemic — there is a war on this drug,” he continued. “In Congress, many of them have been treated with ivermectin. It’s not like they have been silent about it. Most of them are on the right. This idiotic policy we have of ‘stay home’ until your lips turn blue and then come to the E.R., it’s just absurd. Not one of those people who have been treated, the staffersor members of Congress have gone to the hospital. They are trying to avoid all of the compounds that have already been discovered by frontline doctors in order for a ‘blockbuster drug’ and it’s absolutely absurd and people are being harmed over it. It’s really — it’s a tragedy.”

Here is an active link to my Top-40 Catholic Red-Pill playlist with dozens of videos of doctor’s testimonies against the COVID-19 jab and mandates.

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