How To Spot A Marxist Pastor - Ep3

2 years ago

25) The Rights America has come from God, directly to the individual here in America and around the world. The church is the backbone of America and Freedom for all. They [CCP] spent 20+ yrs. learning about America and how we operate. Then twist the teachings with Marxists values by knit-picking at the what works with their Marxist Agenda for 11+yrs.

26) At the beginning of their searching. They had one question. “What is the backbone of America?” After looking at our Weapons Tech, Military Leaders, Currency, Culture, and Religion. They found that it was the Church that is OUR greatest weapon against Communism, Socialism, Marxism, and Fascism.

27) They create an enemy by having these good people sign NDAs before they can receive any funding from a So-Called, “Faith Church” Front from an Evil Cult. (Learn about Evil Cults from End Game by Alex Jones) Yup, I just linked ‘Alex Jones’ with ‘Enemies Within The Church’ because Alex exposes these cults that works to promote Faith Believing Churches. All funded by the CCP.

28) These demons twist the truth of God to fit their narrative, but then get exposed for doing the exact opposite of what they indoctrinate you to believe.

- Alexander Jun – List of Books -
- From here to University - 2001
- White Out: Understanding White Privilege & Dominance in the Modern Age - 2017
- White Jesus: The Architecture of Racism in Religion & Education” 2018
- White Evolution: The Constant Struggle of Racial Consciousness” 2020
- The Courses he Teaches are Qualitative Research Methods, Diversity & Social Justice in Higher Education, & Research Seminar

Darryl J. Ford – William Penn Charter School – Academics is where they hide CRT. It's focused in their Computer Science class called, “CompSci w/ Inspiration and Equity.”

* Dr. Jarvis Williams - The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Walter R. Strickland II - Book – Apart of the T.G.C. (The Gospel Coalition) - Systemic & Contextual Theological Teachings – Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

James H. Cone – List of Books –
- Black Theology & Black Power – 1969
- A Black Theology of Liberation – 1970
- The Spirituals & The Blues – 1972
- A Symposium on Black Theology and Latin American Theology of Liberation - 1974
- God of The Oppressed – 1975
- God of the Oppressed Lib/E - 1975 to 1997
- My Soul Looks Back – 1982
- For My People: Black Theology & The Black Church – 1984
- Speaking The Truth: Ecumenism, Liberation, and Black Theology – 1986
- Martin & Malcom & America – 1991
- Illusions of Reality – 1997
- Risks of Faith CL – 1999
- A Guide for Beginning Teachers of Psychology - 2010
- The Cross & The Lynching Tree - 2011
- Said I Wasn't Gonna Tell Nobody: The Making of a Black Theologian – 2018

James T. Roberson III - 4 Publications - Calls America Racist.
Not much to say except that he’s a False Shepard and leading his people astray. Let’s listen to a clip from one of his sermons on YT.

Do you know what all of these people I just listed have in common? Did you catch it early on? If not, here’s a simple list: Post-Modernism, CRT, Social Justice, Statism, Marxism, Communism & Intersexuality.

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