Liking Ted Cruz - Gun Ownership

3 years ago

Ted Cruz Takes Daring Stand Between Liberals and Endgame to Flush Government’s Divide of Power

Texas Sen.Ted Cruz put his career in between progressives and their aggressive push to take over the judicial branch of government in an offensive move meant to procure continued integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Fox News reported that Cruz reintroduced legislation on Thursday that was designed to keep the Supreme Court independent and includes a constitutional amendment that requires it be comprised of nine justices.

Ted Cruz Offers Joe and Hunter a “Deal” They Simply Can’t Refuse

So @JoeBiden wants to give $450k to every illegal immigrant.

And Hunter Biden paintings “sell” for $500k each.

Perfect solution: give a Hunter Biden painting to every illegal immigrant.

A Win-Win! 😎

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 4, 2021

5 Reasons To Buy A Gun

While it may seem silly to some, not everyone knows how a firearm can help them. Some people are unfamiliar and unsure about guns. However, there are still many reasons to buy a gun. If you are looking to buy a gun for the first time consider these factors when making your decision.

Personal & Home Defense

Arguably the most effective reason to buy a gun, arming yourself against an intruder is only going to help your family. You have a right to defend yourself, and a gun is your best option to do that. To buy a gun is to equip yourself with the most effective tool of defense no matter where you are. Also, when defending yourself or your loved ones, you want that fight to be so lopsided in your favor. You don’t want to have to rely on your strengths alone. You should buy a gun if you want the most effective tool to stop criminals.

Why liberals should never be allowed to own or possess a firearm.

Many questions have been raised during the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial as of late. One in particular is why the prosecuting attorney hasn't been arrested for felony endangerment of the jury. In most states, if a person waves around a firearm with their finger on the trigger, it constitutes assault with a deadly weapon or aggravated assault. It doesn't matter whether the gun in question is loaded or not, no one usually asks whether a weapon is loaded if it is pointed at you and your finger is on the trigger. It is reckless endangerment, and it is not acceptable in any environment, let alone inside a crowded courtroom.

The real scandal is how Justin Trudeau’s four ethics violations carry no punishment

It’s official: Justin Trudeau broke the rules.

Canada’s prime minister was found guilty of violating four sections of the Conflict of Interest Act governing public office holders, stemming from two 2016 vacations on Bell’s Cay, a private island in the Bahamas owned by the Aga Khan.

Is Justin Trudeau Knowingly Working To DESTROY English Canada?

Here at CAP, we believe Canada’s current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is working to destroy English Canada. How can we verify this for certain? We cannot– it is not as though our ruling government would ever present this notion to the people of our nation.

A much more effective strategy is to hide this from Old Stock Canada– Anglophones, Francophones, Conservatives, Christians, and other communities which fall outside the scope of Trudeau’s “chosen” Third World Canadians.

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