Covid-19 CSPOA Problem of Tyranny - Goals - Objections of Sheriffs

2 years ago

As a nation, We the People are facing extreme tyranny dangerous to our lives. Having each local sheriff commit to defending the Constitution which means standing in the way of tyranny is one of the quickest ways to stop the suffering of the people. The locally elected sheriff has the duty to take a stand and defend the citizens against firearm confiscation, quarantine camps, fake national guard forces, Covid tracking/tracing passports, lockdowns, forced/coerced Covid injections, and forced masking that abuses children. The California Attorney General is not an excuse to not uphold the Constitution and protect the people from harm by the government. The sheriff is elected by We the People, NOT THE CALIFORNIA STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL!!! Sheriff - TAKE A STAND TO PROTECT YOUR COMMUNITIES!!!!

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