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Christmas Compassion

3 years ago

Compassion was a huge part of the Christmas Story. So many miracles happened because Jesus came to us, all of us. Jesus did not hold back His compassion until we were perfect, He embraced everyone in a grip of unconditional love. People, we have the same human condition as each other, yet we conditionally share compassion, we withhold kindness because we “turn up our nose” at people who are labeled with specific sin, or people who are labeled with different religions, or people who do not look the same as us. TRULY, we all were made in the Image of God, all of us created by the hand of the Almighty God. TRULY, we all are sinners. We are the human race, not black or white, brown or red, but human. A human race, who belongs to God, this is who we are, and as His Created people, compassion is in our spiritual DNA. This Christmas, we must let go of all our preconceived ideas about the people around us and let God open our eyes to His reality of truth. People must know the compassion of the Christmas Savior, so we choose to take the journey of unrestricted love with God, and experience the God Adventure of compassion. Our culture is in chaos, so add unconditional compassion to the situations you find yourself in this Christmas Season. Why not add civility to the culture where God has placed you in? Why not love unconditionally, with fully expressed, unobstructed compassion, given to all. Mercy, acted out compassionately, this is what God did when He sent His Son Jesus to us that first Christmas morning. We did not deserve this act of sacrificial love, yet it was freely given to us all. Christmas Compassion! Give like God gave us. People must know. We are God’s Messengers, our life must be God’s show and tell about Jesus, His Christmas Compassion. By God’s unconditional love over flowing in us, through compassion for all people, dare to care this Christmas by loving the unlovely, being kind to the kindless, and by giving compassion where it is not earned. Mercy is kind and compassionate, we have received it, not to keep to ourselves, but to give it away to others. God is at work in our world, and in heavenly hindsight, compassion was meekly birthed into our universe as Jesus, The King of Heaven, Our Savior, was born in a humble stable and meekly His power was under control of God’s Sovereign will purposefully in play for us. Live heart to heart with this Christmas Savior, let Him fill you with the compassion of His soul. On this day, choose compassion, be kind, be loving, be unconditionally caring to all those God puts in your path, miraculously merrily so. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/s-h-a-r-e/