Great white throne judgement is for everyone who rejects Jesus and yes church people will be here

2 years ago

Everyone who rejects Jesus from Cain to after armogeddeon will be at the great white throne judgement and there is no lawyers or anyone defending you at all just a angry Holy God who will call everyone who has died up and judge everyone according to what they did alive!! Fake phony Christians who are lukewarm and care about being a church member and loving the world will be hear because they thought all their religious acts will save them and find out it is nothing more then rags to God, all the murderers, abusers, liars, rich mega false prophets, cult members, church members, liar's, thieves, lovers of magic arts, those who sleep with another man wife, everyone who said no I will accept God later I have time, hate preachers, people who never heard the gospel, Mormons, Jehovah witness, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist, church of Christ will all be here and it will be the last judgement after armogeddeon ends and no one will defend you at all you had a chance to repent and accept Jesus but refused and it is to late for you now!! God will look for your name in the Lamb book of life and say I never knew you depart from me you worker of inquinity!!! Either way everyone who rejects Jesus stands before Him at the great white throne judgement and He will be your judge and the sentence will be given and all your sins you did will be revealed and you can't argue with God at all this is set in stone and it is the lake of fire for everyone who rejects Jesus because no one enters heaven but thru Jesus only!! So you will either see Jesus as your Savior or as your Judge!!

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