Pride Goes Before Destruction

3 years ago

[00:30] ‘The Unbearable Whiteness of Being an Academic’ (8 minutes)

Why are so many whites in academia pretending to be another race?

[08:50] Fight COVID, Not Crime (15 minutes)

Anthony Fauci told the Washington Post that the “historic experience” of the pandemic justifies a vaccine mandate, whether people like it or not. “We have to put the communal responsibility ahead of individual preferences,” Fauci says. This approach is becoming the norm in Western nations as police are being used by the ruling class to squelch any opposition to the vaccine mandates.

[23:50] Bible Study: Keep Me From Presumptuous Sins (30 minutes)

“I can of my own self do nothing,” Jesus Christ said in John 5:30. It’s an attitude that is ridiculed in modern education today. Yet the Bible teaches us that “pride goeth before a fall” and that “a man’s ways are pure in his own eyes.” It’s easy to think we can do anything on our own, but like Jesus Christ, we too need to recognize that we can of our own selves do nothing.

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