The Enzo Technique - RIN

3 years ago

The Enzo Technique
The Enzo Technique TM helps one to achieve spiritual actualization through, non-duality, and no-mind - fullness. The Enzo Technique teaches the physical discipline and act of expressing the present now moment of the beauty of impermanence, and how to embody everything and nothing simultaneously.

Creative Non-Creativity

“The Enso represents the wholeness of experience. It is non-duality,” Japanese calligrapher and Zen teacher Kazuaki Tanahashi explains.
“Because it does not depend upon language, you can by-pass intellect and communicate more directly. It is simple because it is a circle but it is a very demanding experience because there is no explanation. You need to live with it. An Enso is done decisively, once and no correcting. But it is not so creative. So drawing a Zen circle is a creative experience without using creativity.”

The 10 principles of The Enzo Technique

1. To Transform the Self - The Mind - The Body - The Spirit
2. To act with and allow Flow and Universal Connectedness
3. To Implicate ones complete being with acceptance and humility
4. To establish Pure intention to invoke an active and lively call for Spirit to become available to our human consciousness
5. To Manifest Joy in the Art of Living
6. To Actualize Zen and/or Buddhic based
7. To Self-Realize the True Nature of Reality
8. To embody Non-duality, No-mind-fullness,
and non-creative-creativity
9. To understand Temporary and imperfect
10. To actualize Everything and Nothing

144 Movements
9 Sections
16 Movements per section

The Full Technique is taught in The Enzo Academy - now offering a Free Month. 999FREEMONTH at checkout.

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