Behold the King 01: The Promised King Isaiah 7, 9, 53

2 years ago

This is the first Sunday in December—Today we begin the Christmas season! My wife has been playing Christmas music since October, so it seems long in coming, but here it is. As we move through the next four Sundays, we are going to examine Christ the King. This week, we will explore the Old Testament prophesies of the Promised King. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll walk through Matthew’s Gospel to meet the Rightful king, see the Arrival of the King, and finally come face-to-face with the Recognized and Unrecognized King.
Today we are going all the way back to Isaiah’s writings to meet the Promised King. As you may already be aware, the Rescuer was prophesied all the way back in Genesis. It’s in the Book of Isaiah, however, that we get the most well-formed description of the coming Savior.

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