'Systematic FEAR Mongering' - Situation Update Denmark 09.12.2021

2 years ago

There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'! - Systematic Planned FEAR-Mongering & Predictive Programming (MKultra)and Social Engineering
-> We're Coming For Your Children!
Note: Press conference 08.12.2021 - More Lockdown in Denmark due to there was 'found' 6 'cases' of Omikron influenza 'virus'... Out of a population of 5.8 million people. NO journalists did ask about how many have died from this new Omikron 'variant'... 577 'cases' found - 158 'cases' the latest day... Out of a population of 5.8 million... How many percent is that out of a population of 5.8 million...?
You do the math...
The nightlife closes, school students are sent home to online teaching and concerts with more than 50 standing must not be held.

All schools close from kindergarten class to 10th grade from 15 Dec 2021 to (maybe) 9 februar

Company Christmas lunches must be canceled, the nightlife must close at midnight, all must wear a mouth dieber at all restaurants.
This will impact on businesses and employees - especially in individual industries, in bars, nightclubs and the companies that provide Christmas food and music for the Christmas parties.


Here are (some) of the restrictions

School are closing and students in the primary schools are sent home with online education from 15 December to january the ??...

The purpose is to get as many students as possible vaccinated before the new year.

From Friday, the nightlife closes again. In addition, alcohol can not be purchased after midnight.

And then you have to wear Mouth Dieber and show Coronapas when you enter a restaurant.

On Friday, a ban on holding concerts, where there are more than 50 standing audiences.

The ban applies only to standing audience, and not if you sit down.

And then there is a strong call that Christmas lunches and greater social events are completely canceled.

And again as many as possible must work at home.
Are things connected?

Paul Joseph Watson: Pedophiles Rule the World [Apr 5, 2017]

Another Sick Satanic Pedophilia Documentary... [30.11.2021]

Covid 19 Part 4: CHILDLOVERS EVERYWHERE... (full version 46:40)[28.04.2020]

The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal - Part 6 [26.12.2020]

The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 15 [12.07.2021]

KJ Ozborne: Systemic Satanism & The World + America are in 'Wonderland'[12.07.2021]

The Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod is a pedophile ... documented [13.02.2021]
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the judicial system protect him.

Nanna Fri - Forbryder eller Frihedskæmper? [16.03.2021]

Men in Black, Denmark Demonstration Copenhagen 'Constitution Day' [05.06.2021]

Systematic Pedophilia & Child Trafficking BIG trives in Denmark Part 1-16
Part 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/fD5QOJ7lT8jg/ (intro) [24.07.2021]
Part 2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ChKZXdXxuOO/ (Nanna Fri) [24.07.2021]
Part 3 https://www.bitchute.com/video/h5RcIgIfQoom/ (Per Rye Dannerfjord)[24.07.2021]
Part 4 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ENwaM7ZP6cbH/ (Anette Fri-Vilje Aurora)[24.07.2021]
Part 5 https://www.bitchute.com/video/MwQi4bvBgJfM/ (A Message to the World from Denmark)[24.07.2021]
Part 6 https://www.bitchute.com/video/JjPC6CukGvTG/ (Christina Pihl Rasmussen)[24.07.2021]
Part 7 https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRZYAJwfdTh4/ (Per Rye Dannerfjord)[24.07.2021]
Part 8 https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMqiOdQPT8x6/ (Jeanette Strauss)[24.07.2021]
Part 9 https://www.bitchute.com/video/BKA1ernBpITx/ (Mads Krarup Nielsen)[24.07.2021]
Part 10 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ReHMLgASAmof/ (Claus Kristiansen)[24.07.2021]
Part 11 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8HWnwTKWufd1/ (Danny N Andersen (Dna))[24.07.2021]
Part 12 https://www.bitchute.com/video/00JROcQ92wak/ (Heidi Svanborg [20.08.2021]
Part 13 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q44yMAQ2QkUd/ (Nathalie 6 år) [17.09.2021]
Part 14 https://www.bitchute.com/video/E0CrUtw9Sjtj/ (Anette Fri-Vilje) [21.09.2021]
Part 15 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jqu7o9sj4UP0/ (Child Demostration d 10.10.2021)
Part 16 Another 'Warning' from YouTube + Situation Update Denmark [28.10.2021]

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