Ballarat Protest in Australia: Highlights of Speeches

2 years ago

An overview of speeches from a protest that took place in Ballarat, Australia on 5.12.21 celebrating the 167th anniversary of Eureka Stockade.

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The unaffordable hike in mining license taxes was more of a ploy to keep the developing ‘shining-light’ cities from being emptied and the farmers from losing all their workers (or leaving the farm themselves) as everyone went to look for gold.
Melbourne was the new ‘gold-standard’ for international cities. With its several-story buildings higher than any in Europe at the time. The race to make Melbourne the new ‘gold-standard’ city, actually holds a hidden disaster than many Australians don’t know. That is the sewage systems were left until last, causing widespread and deadly diseases to spread across Melbourne, killing large numbers of people, including children. Only after they had their tallest buildings in the world at that time, did they then properly start to sewer the city.
As free people flooded into Australia in search for gold, they had to fork out their savings for the new mining taxes, whether they found gold or not, and often became destitute or left the Ballarat region.
Miners were from all across the globe, including ex-convicts who left the Sydney region as free people.
Some miners from Europe had been involved in guerrilla warfare in various wars, including against Napoleon and many were from what is now the U.K. and Ireland, who brought the new liberal values that were sweeping across the world.
So, when the miners took a stand, extra police forces were brought up from Melbourne and also from Tasmania, keeping in mind that Tasmanian police were known for their brutality at the time.
The police attacked the stockade on a Sunday, when some miners had left for Sunday activities and it was a deadly battle.
When it went through the court system in Melbourne, the general public seemed to be on the side of the miners and the whole saga, along with the liberal values that were flooding into Australia from overseas, led to some serious and long-lasting changes in law and political movements.
A number of decades later, after many had left the goldfields, including a majority of Chinese and Cantonese, people from this area, Bendigo, were to form the Constitution once the colonies were to come together officially in 1901.
The National Parliament was initially in Melbourne. There was much debate before it was established in Canberra.
Today, a rivalry (but more of a ribbing) between Sydney and Melbourne exists. Which city is better? However, in the early days, the rivalry was rather serious and fierce. Sydney was the city of convicts and Melbourne was the city of free people, built after the cessation of England exporting their local problems to Australia. These ‘problems’ were mostly Irish convicts who were the first political prisoners in Australia, taken from their culture, their families, their country and their language.
So we have the irony of Melbourne once being known as the city of free people, who 167 years after the Eureka rebellion, became one of the least free people in 2020-2021.


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