SonOfEnos Arrested For Maskless Flash-Mob But Served Chief Of Police With Notice of Liability

3 years ago

Leaders of our Freedom Fighting group here in North Bay, Ontario were arrested and charged with a bogus count of criminal mischief for participating in a group action where we all simply refused to wear a face-diaper at a mall that's been absolutely tyrannical. No property was damaged and all we did was to simply refuse to partake in wearing an unproven medical device while not backing down to the tyrannical intimidation of a private business or Covid-Cops who are violating the Nuremberg Code and practicing medicine without a license.

The arresting officers were "just following orders" and it was evident to me that they didn't want to be doing this. I did use it as an opportunity to plant some significant seeds, including informing them of the long-term damage wearing a mask for almost 2-years is inflicting, where to look up information on Oxygen Deprivation Associated With Onset Of Dementia

I also educated them on how to use Occupational Health and Safety regulations & an air quality safety device as a way to fight back against being forced to wear a mask on the job.

But the Coup de Gras, was I used my arrest as an opportunity to serve Police Chief, Scott Tod with a time sensitive Notice of Liability where he has two weeks to provide proof that Covid-19 exists, have been isolated, and that the jabs have been safety tested to prove that they do not cause harm. If he fails to do so, he can be personally held responsible for the damages and deaths caused by the Covid-Crime Against Humanity.

In two weeks I intend to serve him further notice which will include multiple FOIA requests that prove the government has not isolated the virus and a copy of all the laws the government and businesses are currently breaking. By failing to uphold the laws of Canada by choice, he is knowingly committing a crime of omission.

Here's a link to the Notice of Liability

They are seriously fucking with the wrong PATRIOT

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