'We all know they're lying!' Morning Joe busts Pentagon 'coverup' of Trump links to Jan. 6 riot

2 years ago

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough responded to the most recent stunner disclosures about the Jan. 6 revolt.

Col. Lord Matthews, a D.C. Public Guard official at that point, given a searing 36-page update blaming Gen. Charles Flynn, who filled in as vice president of staff for procedure on Jan. 6, and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, the
Overseer of Army staff, of deceiving Congress about their reaction to the U.S. Legislative center mob and the "Morning Joe" have said specialists should unwind the coordination between Donald Trump's White House and the Pentagon on that day.

"It's more imperative to realize what occurred between the White House and the Pentagon," Scarborough said. "For what reason was there such deferral? For what reason didn't the National Guard get rolling? We as a whole know Donald Trump, the president, was adoring what he was seeing. We as a whole realize he destroyed the Pentagon and he had terminated a ton of the best individuals there. There were not a great deal of free masterminds at the Pentagon around then."

The late Colin Powell showed up on the program soon after the uprising and let the hosts know that he was perplexed by inaction as the mob unfurled, yet Scarborough said even non military personnel eyewitnesses could see the reaction was horrendously lacking.

"I'm no master in what's happening at the Pentagon, clearly not even one of us are Colin
Powell, yet anyone that saw what happened that morning and presently is hearing the Pentagon saying, 'Not a lot of interest here, move along, move along' we as a whole realize they're lying. We as a whole realize they're concealing. We want a tick-tock, a second-by-second bookkeeping of where the Pentagon was, the reason they were hauling to their feet, why they let our Capitol, why Trump's chiefs inside the Pentagon and why the president himself, for what reason did they let our Capitol get stripped and desolated, destroyed stool spread on the dividers individuals' home debased."

"We comprehend Donald Trump had fun," he added. "I'm simply inquisitive what was going on inside the Pentagon."

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